

Staying abreast of new developments in the fields of building commissioning and energy efficiency is a goal of CxE Group. Articles about the advantages of building commissioning, the best practices in existing building commissioning or retrocommissioning, and other relevant areas in the green building movement not only improve upon building performance but also increase awareness of sustainability issues.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/17/2014 – Energy audit firm helps owners shave utility costs

ASHRAE Journal July 1998 – HVAC for Domed Stadium (link does not go directly to article but to spot where you can download article for free)

Best Practices in Commissioning Existing Buildings by BCA

New Construction Building Commissioning Best Practice by BCA

CXE Articles
CxE Group Brochure
Why Upgrade Pneumatic Control System
Energy Code Analysis
An Introduction to Commissioning
Commissioning Milestones 2015
Design of an Enclosed Football Stadium
Retrocommissioning Overview for APEC 092015