John S. Rendleman Hall

Total Savings:

Electricity Savings (kWh): 560,940 32%
Natural Gas Savings (Therms): 59,540 64%
Overall Energy Savings (Mbtu): 7,868 52%
Utility Cost Savings ($): $81,721 41%
Estimated Project Cost ($): $156,679 1.92 Payback (yrs.)
IEN Incentives Available ($): $116,809 75% of Proj. Cost
Net Cost w/Incentives ($): $39,870 0.49 Payback (yrs.)

Date Completed: May 2017
Client: Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Size: 95,005 sq. ft.
Type of Construction: Existing
Service: Retrocommissioning
Facility Type: Higher Education

John S. Rendleman Hall contains four floors of university related administrative offices, was constructed in the late 1960s, received a window upgrade in the late 2000s and at least one roof replacement.