John Mason Peck Hall

Total Savings:

Electricity Savings (kWh): 646,045 29%
Natural Gas Savings (Therms): 15,494 27%
Overall Energy Savings (Mbtu): 3,754 28%
Utility Cost Savings ($): $65,210 29%
Estimated Project Cost ($): $105,780 1.62 yrs. (Payback)
Available Utility Incentives($): $66,009 62% of Proj. Cost
Net Cost w/Incentives ($): $39,771 0.61 yrs. (Payback)

Date Completed: May 2011
Client: Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Size: 134,512 sq. ft.
Type of Construction: Existing
Service: Retrocommissioning
Facility Type: Higher Education

John Mason Peck Hall at SIUE is a combination university classroom and office facility with a common area for a student lounge situated on several floors and divided into four wings. CxE discovered a systematic problem with a 25-year-old VAV upgrade on this project, which was corrected and is now producing significant energy savings. This same problem was discovered and corrected on other campus buildings following this finding.