Elijah P. Lovejoy Library

Total Savings:

Electricity Savings (kWh): 1,113,170 38%
Natural Gas Savings (Therms): 54,756 51%
Overall Energy Savings (Mbtu): 9,274 45%
Utility Cost Savings ($): $118,568 41%
Estimated Project Cost ($): $380,344 3.21 Payback (yrs.)
IEN Incentives Available ($): $162,243 43% of Proj. Cost
Net Cost w/Incentives ($): $218,101 1.84 Payback (yrs.)

Date Completed: February 2017
Client: Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Size: 175,000 sq. ft.
Type of Construction: Existing
Service: Retrocommissioning
Facility Type: Higher Education

The Elijah P. Lovejoy Library consists of four floors housing an auditorium, administrative offices and library support spaces, three computer labs, the university IT department, storage, and areas typical for a university library.